Montrose, CO 81401

Tag: change

What Do You Deserve

If you aren’t willing to show up for what you want, you deserve what you get. Enough said. If you don’t like what you have been getting — step out of that comfort zone and make some sh*t happen! -Clare Angelica


Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change. -Unknown If you want a different life, change it. Don’t chance it. -Clare Angelica


“If you truly wanted a different result you would take a different action.” -Clare Angelica Yes, I’m sure I’m not the first person to ever say this. We all get comfortable, we get complacent, we take things for granted, and we become stationary. We expect those around us to allow us to remain in this…
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We are living in a mental world. What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve. -Clare Angelica If you don’t like how things are going — CHANGE your thinking. By changing your thought patterns and reinforcing them with positive feedback you will change your inner world as well as your outer world. Every…
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Show Up

“Some people claim they want something, yet they never show up to get it. And then they sit around wondering why they didn’t get what they wanted… (I don’t!).” If you want something, anything, show up in order to get it. You want a better body, start today, right now. You want a better job,…
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“When you meet someone who has the potential to change your world (for the better), you let them.” -Clare Angelica Yes, fate is everywhere. When a person or circumstance enters your life that can elicit change — EMBRACE IT! Change can come from within — or — (sometimes) it must arrive from an outer source…
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