Montrose, CO 81401

Jillian Michaels

Jillian Michaels

“Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.”

-Jillian Michaels, Yoga Meltdown

Jillian knows that I like getting my a** kicked in 40mins or less…

Like I said in my Bio, I have gone back and forth with being gung-ho about my workout routine… This new year changes that 🙂

I have been alternating days between weight-training and yoga (with cardio everyday as well as crunches) — and what I have discovered is that once I kicked in Jillian’s Yoga DVDs I saw a substantial difference in my physical definition.

I got definition quicker than I did with weights.

Jillian combines yoga poses with strength-training techniques that I LOVE! I workout, sweat my butt off, and feel energized afterwards.

She rocks.