DIY: Charcoal Mask
There’s been a LOT of hype about charcoal recently : adding it into your food, facial products, toothpaste, using it as an internal digestive aid, and more… So I thought I’d try the mask because I already faithfully carry “Activated Charcoal” capsules with me whenever I travel (especially abroad) — it’s a life saver.
I looked up several recipes for the DIY mask and combined a couple that I liked. Here’s what I used:
- 1tsp Bentonite Clay (substituted it for “Rhassoul Clay” because I didn’t have any on-hand)
- 2 tablets Activated Charcoal
- 1tsp Apple Cider Vinegar
- 3-ish drops of Tea Tree Oil
I cleansed my skin prior to application with ISUN Phyto-Cleanse II.
Combine all ingredients together and apply with a mask brush. Let sit on the skin for 10-15 minutes (or until dry). Rinse (scrub) off with a washcloth.
Remember, this mask is BLACK, so don’t use something that you are worried about staining.
Unfortunately, I didn’t take a great pre-mask picture, but you still get the idea… (I’ll do better in the future — it was my first “pre” and “post” photos after all…)
Here’s what I discovered:
I left the mask on for 15 minutes.
I definitely felt the tingle of the Tea Tree Oil (which also works as a disinfectant of sorts) — make sure not to get it too near your eyes or else you will feel a burn / irritating sensation.
My skin felt amazing afterwards! I didn’t feel over-dry. My blackheads were lessened, but not all gone (as expected). This mask does not pullout the blackheads as in the “pull-away”masks, but your skin is truly left feeling clean, pure, and fresh.
I did experience some dry spots the day after and it lasted a few days — the peeling was minimal, but it showed me that the mask worked. My skin needed the refresher.
This mask is soooo easy and awesome for a DIY treat. Give it a try! Remember to share with me your results and modifications.
Enjoy & have fun with it!