Montrose, CO 81401

What Products Do I Use?

What Products Do I Use?

ISUN Alive & Ageless Skincare

Excellent question 🙂

I have been an avid user (some may call it junkie) of the ISUN Alive & Ageless Skincare Line since I was a teenager… It got me through puberty, that’s for sure. I personally know the founder and creator of the products and her mission is so clear, beautiful, and pure that it makes the products even more fun to promote and use in every skincare treatment I offer.

ISUN products are natural, organic, soothing, healing, and very, very pure. The best ingredients are what goes into making this product line so wonderful. It’s a treat for all your senses. It smells like something you could eat, doesn’t dry out the skin, soothes irritation, nourishes all skin types, and feels good to the touch.

I use this product line in my skincare treatments because I know it works. I know what I am putting on my clients skin (and, trust me, if I don’t want it on my skin, I won’t put it on yours). I know how replenishing, rejuvenating, and revitalizing these products are.

I love this product line. It was what worked for me when nothing else did. I’m a believer.

If you’d like to know more about the founder’s mission, visit them here.