Almased – Yes or No?
In January I thought I would try the latest fad in dieting… “The Almased 14-Day Figure Plan” — not that I am overweight, but just like the rest of us, I wanted a kick-start in shedding some extra pounds.
I stuck to the “14-Day Figure Plan” pretty well…
DAY 1 : PHASE 1 — 3 shakes Daily, no food.
- Starting Weight 112lbs.
- Definitely had some detoxing going on… I had a headache and achy joints.
- LEMON WATER HELPS!!! — My headache and achy joints subsided as the lemon water aided in flushing out the toxins from my system.
- The “14-Day” plan says to do light exercise if you feel up to it or to just continue with your regular routine… On Day 1 I did yoga and cardio.
DAY 2 :
- Exercised with free-weights and cardio.
- I awoke with my tummy flatter / not bloated.
- I had TONS of energy — this energy kept going throughout the day.
- I got started on my “Inner Fitness & Wellness” website (this one that you’re reading!)
- Didn’t have any hunger pangs.
DAY 3 :
- Awoke early with TONS of energy that continued throughout the day.
- Yoga / cardio
- No real hunger pangs.
DAY 4 : PHASE 2 — morning shake – lunch – evening shake (of course substitute meals for what works best for you)
- Woke up early (yes, with TONS of energy) and finished the edits on my second novel — The Siren’s Sea: Redemption
- Weights / Cardio
- Ate food for the first time since before phase 1 — watched (and was aware of) my food intake; had some protein and veggies
- No real hunger pangs
DAY 5 :
- Again, woke up early with LOTS of energy to start my day … and it continued throughout.
- With the start of 2016 I have felt a lot of new transitioning happening in and around my life, thus…I cut off all my hair today — Bring on the NEW energy and adventures coming my way!
- I watched my food intake — Ate lunch: chili relleno, rice & beans with some chips, salsa, and guacamole.
- I took a break from working out.
- No real hunger pangs.
DAY 6 :
- Woke up early with LOTS of energy.
- Day 1 of meditation retreat started today 🙂
- Break from working out
- Ate lunch: tilapia with tartar sauce and some fries; watched food intake.
- No real hunger pangs.
DAY 7 :
- Woke up early with LOTS of energy — Day 2 of meditation retreat 🙂
- Ate breakfast: split a veggie breakfast sandwich with gluten-free bread and some potatoes — watched food intake.
- At lunch I wasn’t very hungry so I grabbed a small bowl of red beans and rice.
DAY 8 : PHASE 3 — two meals daily and one shake
- Awoke with LOTS of energy.
- Ate breakfast: split a veggie breakfast sandwich with gluten-free bread and some potatoes — watched food intake.
- Skipped lunch because I wasn’t hungry.
- Splurged on dinner… Went to dinner with friends and had lamb with apricot glaze, garlic-mashed potatoes, and veggies.
DAY 9 – DAY 10 :
- Awoke with TONS of energy.
- Now… this is where I started becoming lax on keeping track of what I ate — but I did stick to the two meals, one shake regimen.
DAY 11 : PHASE 4 — three meals daily and one shake
- Awoke with TONS of energy!
- I had trouble with phase 4 simply because I don’t normally eat three meals a day — I eat two big meals with healthy snacks in-between or… well, I don’t eat if I’m not hungry. BUT, I did stick to having a shake daily (at least one, sometimes more).
DAY 12 – DAY 14 :
- Awoke with LOTS of energy.
- Stuck to the shake regimen, but did vary meals (because, like I said on DAY 11, I don’t eat three meals a day normally).
I used Malt Ovaltine and distilled-water for my shake recipe because it really did taste the best!
(and I could consistently drink it without being appalled or creating an aversion to it.)
- I slept incredibly well throughout this entire 14-Day Plan.
- I awoke every morning with TONS of energy! — No joke, I know you probably got tired of reading that, but it’s true!!
- I did not have hunger pangs — the Almased keeps you satiated.
- I experienced some weight loss (not at all what they say you can lose), but I did have a flatter tummy and slimmer hips.
- I am still continuing to have energy — even 2months after finishing with the protocol — I am continuing to watch and moderate what I eat (no I am not big on saying NO or cutting things out because, it seems to me, that once you do that you absolutely crave that which you have forgone).
- I have continued my workout regimen — and while I haven’t lost much weight, I have gained muscle 😉
I have not had Almased since ending my 14-Day plan — I still have energy and am still experiencing weight loss, but I am keeping to being aware of my food intake and exercise plan.
The product worked as far as giving me TONS, LOTS of energy everyday and allowing me to have an incredible night’s sleep, BUT I’m not sure it’s worth the $.
You decide — this is just my experience (and hopefully my dad’s tale will be coming soon — he was the one to try it first and inspire me to try it as well 🙂 )
-Clare Angelica